Wednesday, February 17, 2010

just keep livin.

Take hold of your own destiny and mold it the way you want to. You won’t remember the times you just let life happen, but you always remember the times you broke your own mold and did things out of your own comfort zone.

::Every step behind you is a memory. Every step ahead of you is the next step in your life. You never know what each step will bring your way. So just put one foot in front of the other- and Just Keep Livin::

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In Response to: "Letter to a Christian Nation"

I believe Jesus is God, that God came down in human form as Jesus

The author begins with acknowledging that we (Christians and non) are in agreement that if one of us is right then the other one is wrong. I completely DISAGREE. I think that something had to start everything, a creator had to have created this existence, but yes I do believe that science and evolution have also partaken in the creation of this earth as it is today as well, survival of the fittest, its still going on every day.

I do believe that the Bible is the word of God, however, it is also the word of alot of different men, biblical men, but nonetheless different men. I do not think every single thing in the Bible is factual, because it did not come directly from God’s mouth, He did not place this book on earth written soley by him, Mark, Matthew,John.. all of these men told their accounts as well.. and we all know when told things through anothers accounts.. it may not ALL be true.

I do believe Jesus offers the way to salvation, considering he did go through torture and death so that we wouldn't have to spend eternity in Hell. Most atheists I have spoken to believe that Jesus died upon the cross, BUT they do not believe He was the son of God or that He died to save us, or that He actually did die. Okay, so then the belief is some crazy man who could work miracles on/for people, was born and then went through torture, hell, was beat, and did it willingly, just because he was crazy and thought he would save people? NO. Jesus died for You, so that You wouldnt have to go through what he went through. He does not owe you a thing, he already paid the biggest price. I feel like there is alot of people who think God owes them something.

This man, Harris, says that people have written him to say that he is wrong not to believe in God. I do not believe at all that this is the Christian way, much less the worldly way to approach that. Things happen in the world today and to people that would make anyone who is human question God. We have brains that work.. we all wonder. Anyone who says they don't,. lie. If you never questioned your beliefs, - you are just a puppet dancing to somebody's strings. If God had wanted your mindless obedience, you would've been created without mind and without free will. But you have both so you can come to God of your own accord. Just look at the lives of saints, - most of them had gone through a dark night of the soul, and that's why their faith was so strong. The path to true faith always goes through doubt. It's through the questioning and finding answers that makes your faith become unshakable. People have their reasons for not believing in God, as Christians we are not to judge them, but to listen, understand, inspire them to believe again, bring them closer to God.. not to judge, nor tell them they are flat out wrong or call them out.

To be honest, out of the nonbelievers, their biggest critiques of us as Christians come from the fact that we are supposed to be loving, understanding and forgiving, like Jesus. Yet, so many Christians are so judgmental and close-minded, how is that showing God’s love, it’s not. So before you call out a nonbeliever for being wrong, maybe you should evaluate why they don’t believe, could you be the problem? Im a guilty of this myself, because we so badly want to shake someone who doesn’t believe, but I have come down a long road, and realized it is not that hard to throw in the towel and not believe God works for the good of those who love him. It takes strength, fear, and a lot of understanding, but most of all Faith. Faith is very easy to lose however, especially with the way of the world now. So don't blame the non-believers, if you want to judge, keep your mouth shut. If you want to be a Christian about it.. help them, inspire them. Examine why you are a Christian in the first place.

One of my main points to nonbelievers is that God does not cause bad things to happen in this world.. People do.

And the main thing ive heard from non-believers is that Christians, and the hypocritical judgmental ways they project, is what makes them not believe. Christians are to be the image of God, so don’t claim to be a Christian and then judge someone or make someone feel bad about their ways. Listen, Understand.. prove them wrong.. the way Jesus would.. not the way we as humans lash out these days.

Alone or Together?

It took a long time for me to be able to open up to people. I used to be shy and scared and never show any kind of emotion whatsoever. Through different experiences and relationships, however, I have become more open, more willing to show what im feeling.

But what happens when you want to turn that off. What happens when you want to shut down, to numb yourself, to make yourself not care anymore, to go back to being that person who doesn't want to share anything. How do you do that?

And which way is better?

Doing it alone, not letting someone in, working out your struggles by yourself, but knowing that because you don't you will miss out on maybe something great?


Letting someone in, not doing it alone, but also taking the risk of rejection, hurt, stress, pain..?

What do you do? Do you trust everyone? Do you pick and choose who you let in, how do you know?Because you can't be open sometimes and closed other times, it's who you are, you either want to show emotion and you let people in, or you don't, you numb yourself, tell yourself you can do it alone. Which way is better? Which consequences are worse?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Consider Me Gone.

Do you know that song "Who's That Lady?" It's a song referring to a woman of principle. A woman so confident in who she is that she floats through a room without so much as a backwards glance at the guys who treat her like she isn't worth all that she knows she is.

I want to be that girl.

I haven't been for quite a while, it's crazy how love blinds you to things. It's even crazier when the blinders come off and you realize what is actually going on. A woman of principle has a learned knowledge of who she is and how she should be treated, she also has an understanding of it.

I know who I am in the eyes of God and while, because I haven't been treated the most wonderful in the past, I don't have a complete understanding of my worth, I do know what I deserve and I do know that I am worth something, every woman is. And any guy who treats a girl like she isn't worth anything, is not a man of principle, and not a man you want to be involved with.

God's word says: "Find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies"

THAT is how God thinks of you, as a jewel. THAT is how you are supposed to be treated. THAT is God's best, and why would you settle for less than the best God has prepared for you?

Here is my favorite song right now, it sums up pretty much everything.

Every time I turn the conversation to something deeper than the weather, I can feel you all but shutting down. And when I need an explanation for the silence you just tell me you don't wanna talk about it now.

What you're not saying is coming in loud and clear we're at a crossroads here...

If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
If you don't get drunk on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this then i guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone

With you i've always been wide open like a window or an ocean, there is nothing i've ever tried to hide. So when you leave with me not knowing where you're going I start thinking that we're looking at goodbye.

How about a strong shot of honesty, I think you owe that to me...

If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
If you don't get drunk on my kiss
If you think you can do better than this then i guess we're done
Let's not drag this on
Consider me gone.

Consider me a memory.
Consider me the past.
Consider me a smile in an old photograph someone who used to make you laugh.

If i'm not the one thing you can't stand to lose
If i'm not that arrow to the heart of you
Then i guess we're done let's not drag this on.
Consider me gone.

Just consider me gone.

Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Your Life.. -some favorite lyrics

You only get just one time around,
You only get one shot at this,
One chance, To find out,
The one thing that you don't wanna miss.
One day when its all said and done
I hope you see that it was enough,
This one ride, One try, One life...

Are you who you always said you would be?
With a sinking feeling in your chest
Always waiting for someone else to fix you
Tell me when did you forget

It's your life
What you gonna do?
The world is watching you
Every day the choices you make
Say what you are and who
Your heart beats for
It's an open door

To live the way that you believe
This is your opportunity
To let your life be one that lights the way...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Center.

When I was younger, and by this I mean a few years ago, when I would hear how you need to base your relationships with God in the center, and everything will be better, I didn't want to do it. I was young and thought that if that were the case then I wouldn't be able to have any fun in relationships. But I have grown so deep in my faith and come to so many realizations, so to all the girls out there that have pondered this, here are my thoughts.

Yes. Base your relationship with God in the center, for BOTH of you. If one of you has Him in the center and the other doesn't then it wont work, and don't try to make it, it won't. If He is the center for both of you then He will be the one both of you turn to first when things get hard, not each other, not other people, but Him. I feel that if He was in the center and the base of the relationship then infidelity wouldn't happen, lusting after another person besides the one you care about the most wouldn't happen, selfishness wouldn't happen, and most of all he wouldn't mistreat you, because it would be Him holding you accountable. And for me, that scares me more, God holding me accountable for my relationships, than my guy holding me accountable.

Find your best friend and run hard after God. All other things will fall into place.
I've been putting all of my heart into a guy who I would do anything for, and he can't even decide if I am worth it to stop talking to another girl for. I need to re-evaluate some things.

More than anything. This is what I want.


Isn't it crazy when God shows you the reason for something, something you have been wanting answered for so long. It happened to me. It took 2 years. The feeling you get when it happens, the realization is overwhelming. It reminds you that He is there. And the craziest part, it always happens when God knows you need it most, not when you think you need it most, when He thinks you need it most. No one really knows why things happen the way they do in life. It's hard when they do happen, because it leaves your mind in a frenzy of questions, confusion. But, He always answers.

How do we know when God is showing us something or telling us something in life, or if it is just our minds telling us and we think its Him? This has been on my mind a lot lately. I don't want to be wrong. This is my life, my future, im making this life for myself, and I want Him to be leading it. But how do I know for sure it's Him? Things keep happening that throw me deeper into finding more meaning in God, which is amazing, and I know He let's these things happen and puts me in the situations because of that. I guess I just answered my question didn't I..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Have you ever held someone's hand and when you did.. it was like a bolt of electricity went through your body? Just wondering.

"So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, because most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you'll get everything you wish for. Maybe you'll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you, but you'll never know if you run away in fear"