Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In Response to: "Letter to a Christian Nation"

I believe Jesus is God, that God came down in human form as Jesus

The author begins with acknowledging that we (Christians and non) are in agreement that if one of us is right then the other one is wrong. I completely DISAGREE. I think that something had to start everything, a creator had to have created this existence, but yes I do believe that science and evolution have also partaken in the creation of this earth as it is today as well, survival of the fittest, its still going on every day.

I do believe that the Bible is the word of God, however, it is also the word of alot of different men, biblical men, but nonetheless different men. I do not think every single thing in the Bible is factual, because it did not come directly from God’s mouth, He did not place this book on earth written soley by him, Mark, Matthew,John.. all of these men told their accounts as well.. and we all know when told things through anothers accounts.. it may not ALL be true.

I do believe Jesus offers the way to salvation, considering he did go through torture and death so that we wouldn't have to spend eternity in Hell. Most atheists I have spoken to believe that Jesus died upon the cross, BUT they do not believe He was the son of God or that He died to save us, or that He actually did die. Okay, so then the belief is some crazy man who could work miracles on/for people, was born and then went through torture, hell, was beat, and did it willingly, just because he was crazy and thought he would save people? NO. Jesus died for You, so that You wouldnt have to go through what he went through. He does not owe you a thing, he already paid the biggest price. I feel like there is alot of people who think God owes them something.

This man, Harris, says that people have written him to say that he is wrong not to believe in God. I do not believe at all that this is the Christian way, much less the worldly way to approach that. Things happen in the world today and to people that would make anyone who is human question God. We have brains that work.. we all wonder. Anyone who says they don't,. lie. If you never questioned your beliefs, - you are just a puppet dancing to somebody's strings. If God had wanted your mindless obedience, you would've been created without mind and without free will. But you have both so you can come to God of your own accord. Just look at the lives of saints, - most of them had gone through a dark night of the soul, and that's why their faith was so strong. The path to true faith always goes through doubt. It's through the questioning and finding answers that makes your faith become unshakable. People have their reasons for not believing in God, as Christians we are not to judge them, but to listen, understand, inspire them to believe again, bring them closer to God.. not to judge, nor tell them they are flat out wrong or call them out.

To be honest, out of the nonbelievers, their biggest critiques of us as Christians come from the fact that we are supposed to be loving, understanding and forgiving, like Jesus. Yet, so many Christians are so judgmental and close-minded, how is that showing God’s love, it’s not. So before you call out a nonbeliever for being wrong, maybe you should evaluate why they don’t believe, could you be the problem? Im a guilty of this myself, because we so badly want to shake someone who doesn’t believe, but I have come down a long road, and realized it is not that hard to throw in the towel and not believe God works for the good of those who love him. It takes strength, fear, and a lot of understanding, but most of all Faith. Faith is very easy to lose however, especially with the way of the world now. So don't blame the non-believers, if you want to judge, keep your mouth shut. If you want to be a Christian about it.. help them, inspire them. Examine why you are a Christian in the first place.

One of my main points to nonbelievers is that God does not cause bad things to happen in this world.. People do.

And the main thing ive heard from non-believers is that Christians, and the hypocritical judgmental ways they project, is what makes them not believe. Christians are to be the image of God, so don’t claim to be a Christian and then judge someone or make someone feel bad about their ways. Listen, Understand.. prove them wrong.. the way Jesus would.. not the way we as humans lash out these days.