When I was younger, and by this I mean a few years ago, when I would hear how you need to base your relationships with God in the center, and everything will be better, I didn't want to do it. I was young and thought that if that were the case then I wouldn't be able to have any fun in relationships. But I have grown so deep in my faith and come to so many realizations, so to all the girls out there that have pondered this, here are my thoughts.
Yes. Base your relationship with God in the center, for BOTH of you. If one of you has Him in the center and the other doesn't then it wont work, and don't try to make it, it won't. If He is the center for both of you then He will be the one both of you turn to first when things get hard, not each other, not other people, but Him. I feel that if He was in the center and the base of the relationship then infidelity wouldn't happen, lusting after another person besides the one you care about the most wouldn't happen, selfishness wouldn't happen, and most of all he wouldn't mistreat you, because it would be Him holding you accountable. And for me, that scares me more, God holding me accountable for my relationships, than my guy holding me accountable.
Find your best friend and run hard after God. All other things will fall into place.
I've been putting all of my heart into a guy who I would do anything for, and he can't even decide if I am worth it to stop talking to another girl for. I need to re-evaluate some things.

More than anything. This is what I want.
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