Thursday, June 17, 2010

Feeling Behind?

“God gives you just enough time to do His Will. If you always feel behind, you’re trying to do more than he intended.” - Rick Warren

What usually happens is that when we feel behind, we work harder, which creates more stress, & we work longer, which creates more tension in our personal life. It’s a vicious cycle.

One way to tell if you’re doing more than he intended is to evaluate whether or not you are spending sufficient time doing the things that He has said are most important. How’s your time with God each day? How’s your time with your significant other? How’s your time with other believers? If your answers are “very little” or “non-existent,” you are doing more than he intended & neglecting the things that He’s said are most important.

Get on a schedule & prioritize the most important things. If you don’t, the most important things will take last place & you’ll look back on your life with regret.